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Our Mission

 to make Disciples Everywhere 

love God & people Always

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Want to Know about what we believe? 



Sunday services begin at 10:45am. On average, services last about 70 minutes and include 20-25 minutes of worship music and about 40 minutes of teaching. Childcare is available in the Nursery.



When you arrive, you will see persons with many different styles of dress. Some are in jeans, while others are more formal. However you choose to dress, you will feel right at home on a Sunday morning.

The nursery is available during Sunday school and morning Worship for infants through 3 years. (not potty trained)

J.A.M. (Jesus and Me)


Pre-K through 5th grade students will gather in the newly decorated J.A.M. classroom at the bottom of the



The J.A.M. session will focus on:

  • Worshipping God through music and prayer, learning about and practicing different aspects of

  • each.

  • Introducing the theme of the month and the Big Idea of the Day with fun activities using

  • scripture from our Grow at Home Resource.

  • Connecting with each other and celebrating accomplishments (birthdays, sports, music, ect...)


K.I.C.K. Start (Kids In Christ’s Kingdom)

11am - End of Worship Service

Pre-K through 5 th grade students will be released from morning Worship to their individual classrooms.

K.I.C.K. Start will explore the Big Idea of the Day through:

  • Interactive Bible Study using scriptures from the Grow at Home Resource.

  • Games, crafts and/or activities

  • Bible verse memorization

  • Bible story video

Youth: 6th-12th grade 

9:30am - 10:30am

Kids and Youth Ministry 

Adult Ministry

Sunday School
9:30am - 10:30am 

We currently offer 2 adult classes.  One of the classes meet in the Family Life Center and the Parent Pit Stop meets at the bottom of the steps next to the Kids Min Classrooms.  Want to grow in your faith?  Ask one of our ushers, greeters, or pastors for assistance.

Wednesday Night Bible Study
6:30pm - 7:30pm 

Wednesday nights are a time to explore God's Word together, ask questions, and grow together in community connection & faith.
Refresh Mom's Group
An opportunity for moms to be refreshed spiritually, emotionally and physically.  Join us on the 2nd Saturday of each month from 6-8pm.

Sr. Adults
Our Sr. Adults have two monthly opportunities for connection and growth.  They meet on the the second Thursday of the month at 10:30am for Bible Study and the fourth Thursday at noon for a fellowship meal
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